Osborne-Sherman Preserve

Osborne-Sherman property

This 2.07 parcel is located off Gully Lane, East Sandwich. The SCT received the parcel as a bequest of Connie Crowell, and was named in memory of her grandfathers. It consists of a hillside field with a view of Cape Cod bay through the trees. This peaceful spot can be enjoyed on a bench put up in memory of Arthur Reeves, donated by his niece Linda Gaboriau, a long time SCT member. A path on the edge of the field is kept mowed during the summer and the remainder of the field is left open for wildlife as per Connie’s wishes.

Gully Lane entrance

15 Gully Lane, East Sandwich

Gully Lane is a one way single lane street off Route 6A. About half-way up, there is a small parking area (1-2 cars) on the left. Enter through the split rail fence opening.

Land Steward:
Robert O’Connor, 518-368-0810

Snowy Hill