Shirley’s Woods is a 1.22 acre parcel of mixed woods with a short trail with bench and an ancient stone wall. The SCT received this piece as a bequest of Dr. Shirley G. Cross (1916-2008), a beloved botanist who planted the renowned wildflower garden at the Thornton Burgess Society in East Sandwich. Her home was just South of the property which was part of Benjamin Nye’s first farm in the 1640’s. Thanks to Paul D. Gannet, who installed the trail system in 2010 as part of his Eagle Scout project.
14 Spring Hill Road, East Sandwich
Park on the side of the road near the entrance which is marked with an SCT sign. Spring Hill Road is narrow, be cautious. There is room for 1-2 cars.
Land Steward:
Steve Touloumtzis 413-727-2697