ZZZ Sandbox

The Sandwich Conservation Trust is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization with the primary mission of land preservation in the town of Sandwich. We rely on volunteer efforts for administration, fund-raising and public outreach. In addition to holding parcels of donated land, we offer information to land-owners interested in preserving their land via conservation restrictions (CRs).

The SCT maintains walking paths on several properties that are available to the public. We sponsor guided walks, educational events, annual meetings and programs. The SCT is a member of the Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts.

You can support the SCT by becoming a member, renewing your annual membership, making a donation, following us on social media and/or volunteering.

Learn More About:

three man portrait


John N. Cullity


Joseph A. Queenan

Jr. Vice President, Membership

Robert O'Connor


Brian Kelly


Lynn Cullity


Cliff Irving


Steve Touloumtzis


Jack Vaccaro


Nancy McHugh


Peter Thomas


Brian J. Wall

Legal Counsel

Mark Robinson

Conservation Advisor

Member of the Land Trust Alliance

* Advisor from The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts, Inc.

Photo Contributions

Thank you to our photo contributors:

Joe Queenan
Lynn Cullity
Sam White
Augusta Cullity    https://www.augustarosephoto.com/
John Cullity
Bob O’Connor