The tragic loss of life and community resulting from the recent wildfires in the Los Angeles suburbs has inspired a nationwide response and has sparked concern locally about the risk of forest fires. Brush fires have long been a part of the local ecology of Cape Cod and will continue to occur in the future. What can be done to ensure that brush fires are controlled and contained to prevent them from escalating into the types of wildfires that have displaced so many in southern California?

The Sandwich Conservation Trust invites you to an information session at the Sandwich Public Library on February 23rd at 2:30. The program will include a brief presentation focusing on our town’s historic settlement and land use patterns, and how those patterns have resulted in some vulnerability to forest fires. A panel discussion will follow focusing on the importance of forest management and how homeowners can implement other proactive measures to reduce risk of wildfires. This event is FREE, but please email to reserve seats: or fill out a registration: